Thursday, September 3, 2009

CLAS Ropes Course

Yesterday my ward had a great activity at the CLAS ropes course. (Don't ask me what CLAS stands for, I have no idea.) It was really fun and I got to meet a lot of people.

This is my roommate Kati and I.

The sexy harness everyone had to wear. Not so sexy on the guys if you know what I mean.

This girl decided it would be fun to climb this thing and then got stuck.

I decided to do the Zipper line. It was a long climb to the top.

I was being so brave here.

I'm up there, high in the trees.

Sorry the pictures were big and then small. I just figured out how to do it, but didn't want to change the rest.


  1. That looks rad, where did you do that?

  2. I think you should wear that helmet at all times.

  3. That looks so fun! The helmet is nice.

  4. Oh how fun! I haven't done a ropes course since high school--what a great activity! Where was this?

  5. This was right by the Provo airport.

  6. did you do this for a class? that is so cool , nikki and i did a zip line at snowbird, it was so fun but we were in a secure little hammock chair!

  7. sexy!! actually it's more funny than sexy. i want to try that!

  8. Please wear the helmet and the harness at all times. That can take the place of the other option I gave you.

  9. Not so sexy on the guys??? Why, what so ever do you mean?? Ha Ha Ha
