On Saturday night my friend Jovy and I went to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City. We didn't see any movies because they were all sold out, but walking around was fun. I have decided that I love Park City. Just walking around there makes you feel like you've just stepped into a Christmas movie.

We found this cute little alley with christmas lights.

ummm.... yeah.

We decided to get dessert at this really fancy place that checks your coats and gives you really small portions of everything. There were really rich looking people in this place that were talking about finances and things of that nature.

The famous Egyptian Theater

I'd like you all to meet my new boyfriend.

So this is where our story gets a little crazy. On the way home, Jovy and I got caught in a blizzard and it got so bad that we had to stay the night in a Holiday Inn in Heber. We just kept saying to each other, "can you believe this?"

A little midnight snack...

and some games.

The next morning we got a complimentary breakfast. Then we had to scrape all the ice and snow off my car and drive home. The roads were still a little icy and foggy so its a really good thing we didn't try to drive home that night. We made it home safe and sound and just in time for the last hour of church!